Mental Health
Mental Health
The way that Mountbatton Care services support people with mental health problems is based on an imperfect model. It assumes that physical and mental health are primarily different (notwithstanding each having some impact on the other), requiring dissimilar approaches, and ignores the common factors in the universal fortitude of health and illness, which have biological, psychological and, in particular, social components.
We address the challenges that stigma, discrimination and self-stigma present to people learning to ask for and feel entitled to what they want from life.
Supported Living
Supported living provides a helpful balance between round-the-clock support and independent living.
Supported living is an excellent option for people with a variety of independence problems and related conditions. Those with physical disabilities can live in a home environment that’s purpose designed around their specific mobility challenges. People with learning disabilities are able to develop the skills they need for increasingly independent living in a safe and secure environment. Supported living is a great option for people who are ‘stepping down’ from residential care and who are making the transition to living independently in the community.
What is supported living?
Supported living services enable people to live independently in their own home. This could be a flat, house or bungalow. People also have the option to share accommodation with others.
People can decorate their accommodation in any way they wish, have friends to visit and have full control of how they live. Their support team will agree a package of care with them and their family, or circle of support, and this may be anything from two hours a week to go shopping, to seven days a week complete care. However, our support workers can offer 24-hour support, sleep in cover and monitor from a distance using assistive technology if required.