Learning Disabilities
Learning Disabilities
People need the right support in order to live life as they choose and be active citizens. Person centred planning and individual funding help people to have control over the way they are supported and who supports them. This is fundamental to all our work.
What our services for people with learning disabilities offer:
Give freedom and flexibility to you and your family by making the right choice in support services.
We know that people with learning disabilities want the same things out of life as everyone else to choose where they live and who with, to have relationships and be able to get employment.
We provide the right support for people with learning disabilities to ensure their experience of life matches their plans and potential.
We listen to what the people we support and their families tell us. They tell us what their diagnosis means to them, about the different challenges they face, and the personalised support they need in order to live the lives they choose.
We support people with learning disabilities to live independently in apartments bungalows or in, specifically adapted houses .
Support for adults with learning disabilities.
Our approach is to be person-centred and to put the people we support at the heart of everything we do. We use a range of person-centred thinking tools and plans to put this into practice.
Person-centred thinking
Person-centred thinking is a set of values, skills and tools used in getting to know someone, what they find important and what they want out of life.
Person-centred thinking tools are used in all sorts of situations, helping us plan, organise, and to understand and connect with communities. They are the foundation of how we work.
Being a person-centred organisation is our priority and at the heart of our personalisation journey.
Our aim is to set out how we are achieving value for money. The statement has been written for families and and circles of support, our staff and other interested parties, such as regulators.
Our annual Value for Money Statement is an opportunity to critically assess our performance. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our work through external and internal benchmarking and monitoring performance over time.
We measure our success in providing support for people with learning disabilities informally and formally.
There are a number of areas that underpin the quality of our services but fundamentally it is our person-centred approach to all the people we work with that makes us dissimilar from our competitors.
Additional Information
Mencap is a UK learning disability charity working with people with learning disabilities and their families and carers.
Tel: 02074540454
Email: information@mencap.org.uk
Website: www.mencap.org.uk
The National Autistic Society is a charity which exists to champion the rights and interests of all people with autism and to ensure that they and their families receive quality services appropriate to their needs.
Tel: 02078332299
Email: nas@nas.org.uk
Website: www.nas.org.uk
British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) is a charity which exists to improve the quality of life of all people with a learning disability.
Tel: 01562723010
Email: enquiries@bild.org.uk
Website: www.bild.org.uk
Down’s syndrome Association is a UK organisation focusing solely on all aspects of living successfully with Down’s Syndrome.
Tel: 08452300372
Email: info@downs-
Website: www.downs-